Extraordinary of the Eucharist
English | Spanish
Ministers of the Eucharist
The ministry Extraordinary of the Eucharist or the Eucharist, is a major part of the mass and most importantly during the moment of the Holy Communion. While the priest consecrates the bread and wine for himself and those who can receive it, the ministry is present to assist him. Volunteering in a team environment is what the Ministry of Eucharist consists of, it’s a group effort to help the priest with the community attending mass. Their responsibility is to serve the community with the body and blood of Christ as the priest himself is also doing so. Having this responsibility isn’t only to learn about the giving of the bread and wine, it also consist of being sufficiently knowledgeable with the order of mass and more spiritual practices that take place within the Catholic church.
The Ministry of Eucharist will be thrilled to have you attend a meeting to see whether this is a Ministry for you. Below is our contact information to learn more on how to join or attend a meeting with this Ministry.
To join a ministry, contact us and we’ll provide you with the necessary information.
(323) 269-7248