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The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

Ephesians 1:11-12 - "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,  that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory."

shell baptism
anointing of the sick

OCIA for Adults

As mentioned in, the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is a sacrament for those who have decided to be a part of the Catholic community. In partaking in the teaching of this sacrament youll be receving a baptism if not baptized, the eucaristic sacrament along with the confirmtation. To become part of this program, one must know its a significant responsibility and must be willing to commit to its activities along with the teachings it comes with as it brings a good reward being your faith in Christ and having the gift of receiving him.

Requirements for OCIA

Personal information required of the OCIA team,

  •  Religious background information,

  •  Copy of any baptismal record if any exists. 

  •  Any marital history to see if there's a need for annulment or convalidation 

Information from OCIA

Questions you may have and answers from OCIA:

  • If baptized, there is no need for rebaptism. In the catholic community there is only one baptism. What is needed would be a profession of Faith and receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.

  • Need help locating your baptismal certificate? Call the celebrating church and locate your document with them, in any scenario that it does not work out, a copy or any form of documentation to show proof of your event will work, including a letter from a witness who attended the event. Of course, this will be the last resort however it will remain an option. 

  • Can't make it to a class or activity? Don't miss out and inform us, we will do what we can to assist you with what you'll miss.

For more information you can contact our office to reach out to the Religious Education team.  

Our Lady of Solitude Office: 

 (323) 269-7248

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