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- OCIA for Adults | Our Lady of Solitude
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Ephesians 1:11-12 - "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory." OCIA for Adults As mentioned in, the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is a sacrament for those who have decided to be a part of the Catholic community. In partaking in the teaching of this sacrament youll be receving a baptism if not baptized, the eucaristic sacrament along with the confirmtation. To become part of this program, one must know its a significant responsibility and must be willing to commit to its activities along with the teachings it comes with as it brings a good reward being your faith in Christ and having the gift of receiving him. Requirements for OCIA Personal information required of the OCIA team, Religious background information, Copy of any baptismal record if any exists. Any marital history to see if there's a need for annulment or convalidation Information from OCIA Questions you may have and answers from OCIA: If baptized, there is no need for rebaptism. In the catholic community there is only one baptism. What is needed would be a profession of Faith and receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Need help locating your baptismal certificate? Call the celebrating church and locate your document with them, in any scenario that it does not work out, a copy or any form of documentation to show proof of your event will work, including a letter from a witness who attended the event. Of course, this will be the last resort however it will remain an option. Can't make it to a class or activity? Don't miss out and inform us, we will do what we can to assist you with what you'll miss. For more information you can contact our office to reach out to the Religious Education team. Our Lady of Solitude Office: (323) 269-7248
- Mass and Confession | Our Lady of Solitude
Daily Readings Mass Schedule Our mass schedule to the bottom right is up to date. For any questions or concerns please contact our office. Special Masses For special masses such as celebrations: Marriage, presentation of a child, sweet 16, birthdays, intentions, or any important dates, contact our Parish Office as this consist of a donation as well as annotations in our agenda. Register to our church To become a member at our church c all or visit to fill out a form. We will provide your envelopes to donate and more information about becoming a member at Our Lady of Solitude. The following is information we require: Name Address City Zip Code Phone number Name of children if any Join Us Confession Confessions take place Saturday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. and end before our evening mass at 6:00 p.m. Confessions are in our church and in an enclosed room, the priest confessing differs and won't remain the same. If you're in need of a private confession with the Father call our office to make an appointment. Confession Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. More Topics Special Masses Our page regarding special masses has more information on what types of celebrations we offer and what we ask of you when in need of one. Intentions Your intentions are welcomed at our church, for an annotation of such a date and time is asked for including a $10 donation if possible. Sacraments The page under sacraments lists what we offer at our church. There you'll find the necessary information each sacrament requires of you.
- Celebrations | Our Lady of Solitude
Celebrations Certificate of Sacraments If you need a copy of your Certificate of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Wedding, visit us or contact our parish office and provide the following information: Information required: - Full name, ( if your name was changed from the initial celebration, please provide us with the name used when celebrated.) - Name of Parents - Date of Birth - Approximate date of occasion - Picture of ID when picking up the certificate, or when emailing us this information. - A phone number to contact once the certificate is ready. - A donation of $10 Since we have many archives give us 2-3 days or a week to locate your information. We will call once it's ready and you may pick it up at our office from Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. / Saturday 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Call us for any questions or concerns. (323) 269-7248 Quinceaneras If you're here congratulations! Our church is thrilled to host your mass for your blessed fifteenth birthday. The most important part of this day is attending the mass, where you and your family will thank God for allowing you the time to celebrate this joyous celebration. Not only will this be a moment for you to thank god, but it will also consist of you giving into your faith and taking the path of being part of the catholic community. This special tradition is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life as you celebrate your adolescent years into becoming a young lady. It's an amazing moment to reflect on your life and continue your path of faith with God and Jesus Christ. As we know this is an emotional moment for the birthday girl and her family, which is why we are thankful that you’ve chosen our temple. We now say enjoy your celebration, and may you and your family continue to be blessed. Requirements - Arrangements must be made 5 months before the date desired. Donation for the Mass is $500.00 – Flowers and music not included. A deposit of $100 is required at the time of registration. - The young lady must have sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and be registered for, or attending, Confirmation Class. If she has not received Baptism and First Holy Communion, please make an appointment to speak with the priest. - Sponsors must be a man and a woman, the sponsors of baptism, the parents, friends, or only one godmother and one godfather. - The parents agree to be on time for Mass. After a tardiness of 15 minutes, the Mass will be canceled and the amount paid will not be reimbursed. - The form to be filled requires Quinceanera's name, date of birth, home address, telephone, mother's name, father's name, date and time of the celebration. Presentation of Child The presentation of a child in a catholic church is a special moment for the child as well as the family of the child. Not only are you introducing your baby to your faith, but you're also introducing them to a path of faith they will once welcome. When bringing your child to be presented it's almost as if they're one step closer to being baptized. For this ritual, we ask you to choose godparents who are catholic and attend church. We invite you to be well-dressed and presented to the community accordingly. On this note, we are delighted to have you join us for the presentation of your baby, below are some requirements for the said celebration. Requirements: - Place an intention at our parish office for your presentation - The intention must be placed a week before your chosen mass. - Information needed, child's full name, age, date, and time of mass. - Donation of $10 We are currently not doing private mass for this celebration, for any questions contact us. Marriage Marriage by the church is a sacred moment for the man and the lady in partnership. As this builds and strengthens the bond, they are making a promise to remain together through the end of times alongside God and the Holy Catholic Church. Being said in the Nuptial Blessings during a liturgical celebration of marriage, “Father, you have made the union of man and wife so holy a mystery that it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and his Church.” Since marriage shall take place at a temple, our church is awaiting your visit to make this your place of faith and complete union with your partner. Below are what we require of you for this celebration. Legal Requirements for Marriage All the documents asked for are more a protection than a control. Matrimony is an institution protected by the State and by the Church. The state protects the social dimension, while the Church protects the religious dimension. Both have a right to ask for certain legal requirements. THE STATE - Application for a Marriage License - YOU DO NOT NEED A BLOOD TEST. - If you are underage, you must provide proof of age with the appropriate documents. Minors are subject to special regulations. - There are different offices where you can obtain a license. The closest one here is at Centro Maravilla, 4716 Cesar Chavez Avenue (between Dangler and Arizona Avenues). For information about the cost of the license, call (323) 260-2991. NOTE: You do not have to be married civilly to be married by the Church. When you are married by the Church, it is both a civil and a sacramental marriage (two-in-one). But you must bring that license to the priest before the marriage. THE CHURCH - Baptismal Certificate - You must obtain a recently dated copy of your Baptism Certificate. -- You must go to the church of your baptism, or write to them asking for a recently dated copy. - Confirmation and First Communion Certificates - A photocopy of the original certificates is sufficient. If you have difficulties in obtaining these, let the priest know. Banns Marriage is not a private matter. In your parish, if you do not live near La Soledad Parish, you must let them know of your forthcoming marriage and they, like here, will announce your marriage in three weeks. Premarriage Instructions The priest will indicate these to you. - Testimony of Two Family Members Your parents, or other family members, must come in and swear and sign documents indicating that you are free to marry. - Premarriage Questionnaire The priest will do this investigation before your marriage. - Persons who have been Married Civilly (not through the Church) The priest will explain the procedure you must take. - Details of the Religious Ceremony This matter will be discussed with the priest regarding flowers, photography, video, etc. No picture taking after the ceremony. No rice throwing as you leave. No throwing flower petals in Church. Note: Please call our Parish office 6 months in advance of your celebration. DONATION: $500.00 (This does not include music). For music information, please call the parish office at (323) 269-7248. Blessings The blessing from a father is a sacred moment for those who ask for it. In general, receiving a blessing in private or mass is equivalent to a strong prayer for you to be safe and remain in faith at all times. Blessings for a religious item, holy water, car, house, business, etc, require a $10 donation and you must visit us or call our parish office to schedule an appointment. Other Celebrations Funerals When one is born a Christian or has later in life become one, it is right to celebrate death with the three stations that lead to eternal life in peace with God. That being the wake at the vigil service where we pray for the forgiveness and peace of those who have passed, which leads to the mass at a church or the funeral home filled with celebration for the life of the deceased, and lastly, the burial of the body at a cemetery which is a moment where loved ones pray for the resurrection of the passed loved one as Jesus himself did. As a Catholic Christian, you have been baptized and have assisted the Eucharistic table and we believe commemorating life through the church is the right thing for those who passed with faith in Christ. When the funeral rite is put into practice, we are in the presence of those who’ve passed and are praying for their passing along with our mourning for the deceased. Not only do we pray for them to be in internal peace, but we also pray to God, and Jesus Christ to forgive them for their sins, and for allowing us the presence of those who passed. The funeral Liturgy happens to be similar to that of the baptism, they both consist of being part of God's path for life and once dismissed from this path full of belief, they’ll receive their eternal peace. Information required The following are what we ask when a funeral will take place at our Church. - Name, age, and address of the deceased - Did the deceased have a Spouse, any children, or siblings? - Date of death, cause of death? - Body in a casket or ashes in the urn? - Name and phone number of the person making arrangements? - Relationship to the deceased? - Name of the funeral home, name of the cemetery? - Rosary date? Rosary location? Rosary will be led by? - Mass date, day, time, and celebrant? - Music/ Choir? - Are there any additional comments or information we should be aware of? DONATION: $500.00 (This does not include music or floral arrangements). For music information, please call the parish office at (323) 269-7248. *Currently, the Father at our church cannot attend the cemetery for burials or interment. Please contact us to see if we can provide the presence of our Decan.* Memorial For Deceased Our private memorials commemorate those who have passed on to a better life. They may no longer be present but we are rest assured that they are in eternal peace alongside god. For a private mass, we ask for the following information: - Full name of deceased - Date of birth - Date of death - Name and number of person making the arrangments - Date and time for the celebration - A donation of $500 for the mass. (The mass does not include music or floral arrangments) For more information or questions, contact our Parish Office. Our Lady of Solitude Office: (323) 269-7248
- Nocturnal Adoration | Our Lady of Solitude
Ministries and Groups Nocturnal Adoration Lamb of God Bread of Life Guadalupanas Divine Mercy Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Nocturnal Adoration Spanish Our Nocturnal Adoration The Nocturnal Adoration is a time of peace with our Jesus sacramental during the vigil. The group of adoration hosts this special moment every 1st Saturday of the month and together along with our community they worship the lord with prayer and silence. This group has been a continuous movement for our church and is a huge part of our community due to the connections built with the blessed sacramental presence. -Description with detail . Contact To join a group, contact us and we’ll provide you with the necessary information. (323) 269-7248
- Legion of Mary | Our Lady of Solitude
Ministries and Groups Nocturnal Adoration Lamb of God Bread of Life Guadalupanas Divine Mercy Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Prayer group: Legion of Mary Spanish The Legion of Mary Contact To join a group contact us and we’ll provide you with the necessary information. (323) 269-7248
- Gift Shop | Our Lady of Solitude
Gift Shop: Our Lady of Solitude Below are a few images of what we have available in our gift shop. Rosaries, spiritual images, candles and more! Our Gift Shop Welcome to our gift shop! Holy Candles Our candles are available at our gift shop and our office. Holy Water Our Holy water is blessed and kept in our church and our office. Magnificat for Mass Our Magnificats are our most requested item each month. Available in Spanish and English. Holy Communion and Baptism gifts We've created these incredible gifts for all children baptized or receiving their first communion.
- Lamb of God Bread of Life | Our Lady of Solitude
Ministries and Groups Nocturnal Adoration Lamb of God Bread of Life Guadalupanas Divine Mercy Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Prayer Group: Lamb of God Bread of Life Spanish The Lamb of God Bread of Life The prayer group, Lamb of God Bread of Life, is a group that evangelizes during times of prayer. They gather to celebrate healing masses and to have a moment of prayer and praise with the Catholic community. Every last Monday, they meet to pray with the people of our church. Together as a group, they dedicate time to intercede in the temple as well as plan and attend retreats. If you are interested in the prayer group, contact our office for more information. Contact To join a group , contact us and we’ll provide you with the necessary information. (323) 269-7248
- Sacristans | Our Lady of Solitude
Ministries and Groups Extraordinary of the Eucharist Sacristans Religious Choir Ushers Altar Servers Lectors and Commentators Ministry of the Sick Sacristans Spanish Ministry of the Sacristans The ministry of Sacristans is one of the many sacred ministries in the Catholic Church. This ministry is so important since it consists of being the leader of the mass on many occasions, as well as being in charge of what happens in the sacristy during the Mass. The time and talent to plan and organize the liturgy, to put away the church and the vestments, to keep the vessels and utensils clean and tidy, or to provide decorations that reflect the spirit of the holiday or liturgical season is all thanks to the sacristans. Even helping altar servers when needed, or being an altar server when assigned, the role of sacristans varies from multitasking to being in solitude once mass begins. If you know you can work on many tasks at the same time, free during Mass hours, and are interested in the ministry, contact our office and we will help you begin the process of becoming a sacristan. Contact To join a ministry, contact us and we will provide you with the necessary information. (323) 269-7248
- Parish Bulletin | Our Lady of Solitude
Bulletin Archives 2024 March 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 July 2024
- Staff and Clergy | Our Lady of Solitude
STAFF AND CLERGY Our staff and clergy are destined to change. The names listed below are up to date and still present in our parish. Administrator Administrator Pro- Tempore Rev. Fr. Victor M. Zavala C., M.G. Associate Administrator Rev. Deacon Sergio Perez Religious Education Coordinator of Religious Education Sr. Luz del Carmen Perez E.F.M.S. Parrish Office Secretary Ms. Fabiola Garcia Secretary Ms. Isabel Dévèze